Thursday, July 3, 2008

trying this again...

so, i've completely lost touch with the art of regularly recording my thoughts...this year will be one of many transitions, so i wanted to have a medium in which i could freely jot down the random, humorous, lonely, stressful, joyful (etc.) moments of one small life in cincinnati, oh. maybe some people will relate to what i write (if anyone actually reads this), and i hope that's the case...but mostly i think this will be for me to look back on and remember who i was at this stage in my life. i find it's difficult to identify growth in my life unless i have something to compare it to. so, in layman's terms, this is to inflate my ego. once i'm a world renown montessori scholar (i'll be the first one) who has touched the lives of millions of children, i will look back on this blog and think to myself, "wow..what an ignorant fool! look how much cooler and smarter and hip-er i am now. i'm the best."

i may also include other miscelanneous "lauren's life" details regarding my disasterous dating life, an occasional anecdote about my psychotically adorable cat marmalade, or my psychotically adorable roommate, john. you can feel free to skip these parts, as they will probably only entertain me or one or two others. however, if you want to feel really great about your life, you may not want to miss out on the anecdotes. i'm clumsy, sometimes awkward, and enjoy sharing my most uncool and messy moments with others, so if you're somewhat of a voyeur or simply like to gossip, you can get all your lauren dirt here. (if i actually keep up with this. i haven't in the past. i'm going to try really hard this time). also, for your entertainment, i hope to be including all my student teaching experiences, which will be PLENTIFUL, i'm sure. i'm convinced that 3-year-olds hold the key to unlocking even the most dull individual's sense of humor... they ask the most hilariously inappropriate questions, and have are often inclined to pull their pants down in public. i mean, come on, at what other stage in life do we get away with that?

let's see, what else...i hope to give occasional updates on what i'm reading and the music i'm listening to..maybe even a movie review here or there. remember, my opinions are of the utmost importance to the way you live your life. i suggest you agree with everything i write...or, if you disagree, feel free to send me hateful comments, then i'll send some back and we can be arch enemies. i've never had one before. it could be fun...

that's all for now. stay tuned...

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